Case Management
We believe it’s important that individuals and families have easier access to services and resources, especially when facing a short-term hardship. Through our Case Management service, staff specialists act as a service coordinator to connect those in need of emergency assistance with services and funding to stabilize the crisis and just as important, to begin planning for their future.
This program aids:
- Employable individuals with the potential to increase income.
- Individuals receiving a fixed income through Social Security or SSI.
Participating in the Case Management service eliminates the need to visit multiple agencies in order to get their most basic needs addressed. Staff members work to meet the emergency needs of the customer and then help them develop steps to achieve financial self-sufficiency. The goal of Case Management is not to be a band-aid service, but to help the customer achieve life-changing results.
Customer's Unique Needs Drive Our Focus
The underlying questions always addressed are: “Who are you? Where are you now? Where do you want to go? How can we work together to get you there?”
The partnership between a staff specialist and a customer consists of ongoing mentoring, support and coaching in areas such as: employment support, financial management skills, food assistance, group activities, advocacy, and referrals to other local agencies.
Agency staff work with local community partners to create a funding pool to assist those in need. It takes an average of $500 to help stabilize a family in immediate crisis so that they can begin working toward self-sufficiency.
Become a Community Partner
If you would like to be a community partner and contribute to these services, please click here.
In Need of Assistance?
If you are facing a short-term hardship in Harrison County and would like to learn more about the Case Management services, please contact Central WV Community Action at (304) 623-8495 x 130, or visit the office at 445 West Main Street Clarksburg, WV. Office hours are Monday – Friday 8:30am – 3:30pm.
This program can assist customers at or below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines, facing short-term hardship.
You will need:
- Photo ID for all adults (Driver’s license, State ID, Veteran’s Card, etc.)
- Proof of Social Security for entire household (Social Security Card, Face sheet from DHHR, W-2, other formal document with Social Security listed).
- Proof of Income for Entire Household for last 30 days. (Pay stubs, SSI/SSDI, Veteran’s Support, Child Support, WV Works/Caretaker benefits)
- Current Bills (including any disconnect notices)
- Other items that may be required: Proof of HUD Voucher/Utility Allowance, Proof of SNAP benefits, Current lease agreement.
Customers can start their application at home and begin submitting all necessary documents by clicking here or clicking on the image below:
About Us
Central WV Community Action is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving Harrison and Lewis Counties with the vision of ending poverty in Central WV.
Contact Us
Administration Office
106 Frederick St.
Clarksburg, WV 26301